Holter Monitor Services

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Holter Monitor Services
The Woods Medical Centre's 24hr Holter Monitor service for patients.
What is a Holter Monitor?
A holter monitor is a small portable electrocardiogram (ECG) device that, once fitted to your chest, continuously records your heart rate and rhythm patterns as you perform your daily activities.
On completion, cardiac data and your symptoms diary will be reviewed by a Cardiologist and a report will be provided to your doctor.
Wearing the Holter Monitor
It is important that you continue to follow your normal daily routine while wearing the Holter monitor.
Should you have a cardiac event during the time you are fitted with the monitor, please remember to record this information in your symptoms diary.
No showering or swimming whilst the holter monitor is being worn, as this device is not waterproof.
Please note this monitor has no electrical current.
Medications should continue to be taken as normal.
What to record in my Symptoms diary?
When you experience any of the following, please record the time of the event, what you were doing, and list any other symptoms you feel at the time (i.e. chest pain, dizziness, fatigue etc.):
Pounding, fluttering or skipping heart beats
Shortness of breath
Chest pain
Bring the diary with you when you return the monitor, as this will be submitted to the Cardiologist with your recording, for analysis.
Please note that the cardiac monitor was fully charged before being fitted and should continuously record your heart’s activity over a 24 hour period, without adjustment.
Should you cease the recording before the intended time, your cardiac records may not be able to be analysed and this process will need to be rebooked.
What is the cost of using the Holter monitor?
The cost for the of using the device is $33.00 inclusive of GST, which is paid on the day the nurse puts the device on. This fee is non rebatebable and in addition to any doctors fees charged.
The Holter Monitor is worn for 24 hours at which point the patient must return to the clinic to have it removed and data uploaded to the cardiologist for interpretation.